• Aviat Networks and Symmetricom Announcement at CTIA 2011

    Errol Binda, Senior Solutions Marketing Manager for Aviat Networks, discusses the recent Aviat Networks and Symmetricom, Inc. announcement with Manish Gupta, VP of Marketing for Symmetricom, and Shaun McFall, Chief Marketing Officer for Aviat Networks.
  • Symmetricom Time Source 2700 10 MHz primary frequency standard Rubidium Atomic Clock

    The Symmetricom Time Source 2700 primary frequency standard produces a very high precision 10 MHz signal that can be used to calibrate frequency dependent devices like frequency counters, spectrum analyzers and such. These same devises typically have a 10 MHz External reference input that can be driven with the Symmetricom giving the piece of equipment the ability to make very high precision measurements. Most equipment also has a 10 MHz output that allows multiple devises to share one Frequency standard.
    I will be selling this system on ebay, if you are interested you can contact me there, My ebay user ID is my amateur radio call sign NT8O
  • Symmetricom office

    At Boulder
  • Spectrum analyser demo on the MDO-2000E

    MDO-2000E series is equipped with a dual channel 25 MHz arbitrary waveform generator.
    We could utilize arbitrary waveform generator to output waveforms and conduct frequency domain analysis by the built-in spectrum analyzer.