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For molbloc-L Mass Flow Elements
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molstics provide a quick connector input for convenient connection to the gas supply. This is followed by a 2 micron (0.5 micron for low flow) filter to protect the downstream components. Then, an adjustable regulator sets and regulates optimum molbloc upstream pressure and protects the molbox transducers against accidental overpressure. The regulator range supports all standard molbloc operating pressure ranges. A bellows shut-off valve, just before the molbloc, allows the gas supply to be shut-off for configuration changes and/or system leak checking.

Special cradles support the molbloc(s). A connection and pads are provided downstream of the molbloc for mounting the MFC (mass flow controller), another device under test, or the optional metering valve kit for manual flow control.

Single channel molstics are available to accommodate single molblocs. Dual channel models allow two molblocs to be mounted simultaneously to switch between two different molbloc ranges without changing hardware or to take advantage of molbox1+'s capability to run two molblocs in parallel.

There are low, mid and high flow versions of molstic. Low flow molstics use a unique, very high stability pressure regulator and minimize dead volumes. They are required for effective use of 2E2-L and lower molblocs and can be used up to the 1E3-L molbloc size. The mid flow molstics cover the ranges of all the molblocs from as low 2E2-L up to the 3E4-L. The high flow molstic is required for the 1E5-L (100 slm) molbloc and supports that molbloc only.